WiMIR 2015

We would like to thank you for the massive attendance of the WiMIR-session at ISMIR 2015 (check out: https://twitter.com/ismir2015/status/659340433521311744 and all great ideas you have contributed!
We have transferred our notes into a Google doc, but they are for sure not complete. Therefore we invite you to check out whether we have forgotten any important points. Please edit this document by modifying and extending what the two of us have compiled so far here: http://bit.ly/1HcgUPi

The slides presented during the session are here: http://bit.ly/1XzBpid

Moreover, if you would like to help us track of WiMIR representatives and supporters, stay informed about WiMIR initiatives and/or support us in any way, please fill in the following form: http://bit.ly/wimir2015

Many thanks!

Amelie Anglade and Anja Volk


Hosts: Amelie Anglade, Emilia Gomez, Jin H. Lee and Anja Volk

WiMIR is a group of people dedicated to promoting the role of, and increasing opportunities for, women in the MIR field. We meet to socialize, share information, and discuss in an informal setting, with the goal of building a community around women, as well as men who support women, in our field. WiMIR has held an annual meeting at the ISMIR conference since 2012, having a high turnout of both female and male attendees. This year’s meeting will include a short overview of the group and ongoing initiatives, and a mentorship session for ISMIR members.